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August News

From the Office.

 Welcome to the our new families and  to all our new babies, the stork has been very busy of late. 


It was with much sadness that we fare welled Miss Jessie, she had been with our centre since we opened in 2008. Miss Skye will be the Lead Educator in the PreKindy room, she is looking forward to reconnecting with the children, as many were once in the Nursery with her when they were babies.

Miss Leanne is currently on holidays , so any queires can be asked to Miss Allison, if she is not out the front she will be down in the Nursery. 

Winter Blues

Firstly Thankyou to the families that have kept their children home when they are unwell. 

When children are coming in with the sniffles, colds and influenza it puts more of us at risk of infection, resting at home is the best remedy to minimise risk and spreading of germs between children. 

With the EKKA in town, along comes the colds and gastroenteritis. There's nothing fun about that ! 

This highly contagious infection causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, stomach pain, headaches, and muscle aches.  Remembering to wash hands often when we are out using a antibacterial  hand sanitiser. For more information of these you can look at the Care for Kids webpage, . 

Its August already ! Winter has bought us lots of indoor fun, bringing bikes in, climbing equipment. With these opportunities its allowed our babies to become confident in their own capabilities. 

This month we waved off a few of our friends to the Toddler room, this was a smooth transition as we were working with Miss Sheree to prepare our children. We welcomed Arlo to our room, and have some spaces available if your wanting to book in some more days. 

Self feeding, spoon use and finger foods are again in the spotlight. 

Sometimes we get  asked But my child doesn't have teeth yet, can they have food? 

Yes they can. I was recommended a page called babymealtimes on Facebook & Instagram. They cover ideas for finger food, ages and stages of introducing new foods and give reviews on store bought packet foods. 

Toddler August News

Lots of fun laughing, growing and learning together in the Toddler room. More wonderful nursery friends have transitioned up to our room and have settled in so well. Everyone has adapted to the toddler routine and are forming little friendships, which is so cute watch. Everyone has become very vocal devloping so many different ways of communicating. Many words are being added to our vocabulary as well as a few sign language cues. Everyone knows how to get what they would like across to all of the educators.

While the weather has been lovely we have spent alot of time outside playing. The toddlers confidence is growing with climbing over our obstacle courses and up on to the fort. They have also mastered sand castles in the sandpit. Watching them discover and gain these skills is always a high light. They get so excited for each other and themselves when they have accomplished either climbing an obstacle by themselves or created a sandcastle.

As the weather is warming up please ensure that clothes are being packed to cover all temperatures. If it gets warmer during the day we can change the toddlers to a short sleeve shirt if needed so they are comfortable. Please also label all your childs belonging. Shoes are also important when we are playing outside. Please can we also have some new tooth brushes so we can continue our tooth brushing each morning. Our toddlers loves to chew their brushes, just as much as they love this special time together singing out tooth brush song.

Sheree and Megha

 Hello Junior kindy families,

This month I will be away for two weeks, Miss Tracey will still be here taking care of everyone.

We are focusing back on our self-help skills through the room again, due to all our new friends and younger friends too. We have taken a step back to focus on what the children are capable of doing for their selves every day.

While doing so we have noticed that we need to work on our communication skills more too. Reminding the children that they have a voice and can speak to others about their needs. I know sometimes we forget how young they are and it seems easy to tell them to "use your words". Although they don't always know what words to use, should they yell? Should they say stop? or no?

That's where we come in, give them the correct vocab that will give them the results they are looking for. Say your child is playing with a toy and they put it down for a spilt second and then another child picks it up. If your child screams and tries to take it back, how about give them the words to use. Like 'stop, I'm still playing with that" more often than not it actually works.

In saying that, they may be young now and don't have the understanding in what to say but they are very capable of learning and putting it these lessons into place.

Good luck and give it at home.

Thanks from Miss Chloe and Miss Tracey

​This month we will be working on self help skills such as putting on our own shoes and taking them off, pouring our own water and trying to do things for ourselves and using our words when we need help. 

As I have just started in the room this month I will also be adding new things to our room routine such as a new Morning song with actions so the children can all greet each other in the mornings and ask about how everyone is feeling on the day.  

I would like to ask if you could all place your children's sheets in a reusable bag or a pillowcase so we can place them in the sheet basket so the room is kept neat and not all hanging out of the lockers.

We will also be doing more gardening showing the children how to look after plants and help them grow.  If you have any gardening tips or pots for planting this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Miss Skye