By on Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Category: Underwood Early Learning

August News

From the Office.

 Welcome to the our new families and  to all our new babies, the stork has been very busy of late. 


It was with much sadness that we fare welled Miss Jessie, she had been with our centre since we opened in 2008. Miss Skye will be the Lead Educator in the PreKindy room, she is looking forward to reconnecting with the children, as many were once in the Nursery with her when they were babies.

Miss Leanne is currently on holidays , so any queires can be asked to Miss Allison, if she is not out the front she will be down in the Nursery. 

Winter Blues

Firstly Thankyou to the families that have kept their children home when they are unwell. 

When children are coming in with the sniffles, colds and influenza it puts more of us at risk of infection, resting at home is the best remedy to minimise risk and spreading of germs between children. 

With the EKKA in town, along comes the colds and gastroenteritis. There's nothing fun about that ! 

This highly contagious infection causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, stomach pain, headaches, and muscle aches.  Remembering to wash hands often when we are out using a antibacterial  hand sanitiser. For more information of these you can look at the Care for Kids webpage, .