By Leanne Beecher on Tuesday, 04 August 2020
Category: Underwood Early Learning

August Newsletter

Welcome to the August Newsletter. 

This month we are reminding families to keep up the good work with social distancing, hand washing/ sanitizing and keeping children away from care if they are unwell. We have also asked if families can limit the number of people in a family that come into the service at drop off or pick up times. These measures when done altogether help to keep our service COVID free.  We are doing our part and cleaning services that are high touched spots multiple times a day. 

Cultural Month 

 Each month we will be focusing on a different country, we will feature food, music dance songs stories and language. We are starting with Korea as Miss Kirstine our cook is from Korea and we have a number of children from Korea. 

We would like to hear from families, if you have anything to add, maybe you can play an instrument associated with your culture or you have a recipe to share.   

Swishh Hair Cuts 

Courtney from Swishh hair will be at the centre on Thursday 20th August at 9.15am. If you would like your child's hair cut please see permission forms in the office.