By Leanne Beecher on Tuesday, 07 July 2020
Category: Underwood Early Learning

July Newsletter

Welcome to the July Newsletter! Can you believe we are half way through the year all ready? Lets hope the rest of the year passes with less drama than the first half. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our families for the support you have shown us through the first half of the year. We are looking forward to a bigger and better finish to the year, and hopefully we can  have a celebration to officially open our new playground. 

Kindergarten Parent Teacher Interviews 

Starting on Friday 31st July and continuing on the 7th & 21st August Miss Joann will be holding mid year parent teacher interviews, start time 8am through to 4pm, these interviews will last for 15 minutes each. This is a great time for Joann to share information about your child, detail where your child is in regard to attending school in 2021.  You will also be able to sign permission forms so Joann can complete transition statements for each child. Term 3 miss Joann has changed her non contact day to Fridays instead of Monday.  

I recommend at least one parent per child attend an interview , you can put you name down for a 15 minute slot on the time table in the Kindergarten room, if you can not make a Friday please talk to Miss Joann to arrange another suitable time for you both. 

Book Club 

​Each term we run book club, where you can purchase books for your children to enjoy at home. Every book sold earns the centre points to redeem for  books for the centre. The next Book Club order is due by 4th August, all you need to do is click on the link to start shopping on line and follow the prompts 

New Educator 

 I would like to welcome Miss Basak as a permanent educator at Underwood, Basak has been a casual with us for over a year. She will now go into the JK room as the third educator.

Colder Weather  

 With the cold weather come sickness, thank you to our families that have done the right thing and kept your children away when they are sick, it makes a huge difference in stopping the spread to others. This month we are featuring ways to boost your child immunity through nutrition and sleep.

How to BOOST your child's immunity through GOOD food!

When you child's immune system seems to contract every bug that crosses their path resulting in recurrent runny noses, colds and repetitive gastro intestinal infections, it is time to take a closer look at their immune system. You can take steps in order to empower yourself with the right tools to boost your child's immune system. These measures can actually boost their defences as well as speed up the healing process.

It all starts with food

In order to maintain a healthy and strong immune system, fresh, real food is the key. It is important to keep packaged and processed food to a minimum. This includes crisps, chocolate, cakes and cookies. These foods should be given as an occasional treat food only.

Focus on feeding your child foods such as fresh fruit and vegetables, poultry, meat, fish, whole grains, legumes, eggs and if there are no allergies, nuts and seeds can be included as well. It is also important to give your child water instead of fruit juices and cordials. Both of these are high in sugar which can be suppressive to the immune system, it can also cause inflammation and dysbiosis, amongst other things.

Probiotics are a supplement containing live bacteria. When taken they can boost your friendly gut bacteria. A supplement containing lactobacillus, bifidobacterium and acidophilus is a good place to start.

Yoghurt contains live bacteria such as these. However, the supermarket is saturated with different types of yoghurt – most of which contain mammoth amounts of sugar. Opt for plain or Greek yoghurt rather than the fruit flavoured ones which contain very concentrated sugar levels. To add some sweetness to your plain yoghurt, try a dash of maple syrup, rice syrup or fruit!


Sleep plays a very important role in the healthy development of your child. It is also very important in building a strong immune system. According to the National Sleep Foundation, toddlers between the ages of 1-2 years need 11-14 hours of sleep per night, preschoolers between the ages of 3-5 need 11-13 hours of sleep per night and school children between the ages of 6-13 need 9-11 hours of sleep per night.

Supplement to boost immune function

When your child's immune system is a bit run down and colds and flu seem never ending, there are a variety of supplements that are very supportive to the immune system. Namely, these are zinc, vitamin D, fish oils, and probiotics. For individualised advice on the dose and brand of supplement you should be giving your child, please check with your health care professional.

Immune boosting foods for kids

Garlic: This amazing food contains anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Garlic stimulates the immune cells and increases antibody production. It also contains the compound sulphur which has potent antioxidant properties. TIP: You can add garlic into your child's favourite meals such as the sauces of pasta dishes, spaghetti bolognese. You can also add it to hummus to be used as a dip for those carrot fingers.

Berries: The beautiful and bright red, blue and purple colours get their pigment from the potent antioxidant called anthocyanin. They also contain vast amounts of vitamin A, as well as vitamin C, both of which bolster your child's immune system. TIP: Add a handful of mixed berries to your child's breakfast oats or morning cereal. A delicious snack idea could be a handful of mixed berries stirred through a bowl of plain yoghurt topped with a dash of maple syrup. You can even try and mix in some flaxseed meal for added nutrition.

Green leafy vegetables: Green leafy vegetables are exceptionally rich in immune boosting nutrients. One of these is iron which is important for the production of white blood cells and antibodies. Unfortunately, green leafy vegetables are not always the favourite option on your child's menu. Getting them to eat a handful of greens is often quite laughable. TIP: Try making a green 'Smurfie' smoothie. Throw some kale or baby spinach, frozen banana or frozen mango with your choice of milk into a blender and blend until smooth. You can add a tablespoon or two of maple syrup or rice syrup depending on the desired sweetness.

Ekka Show Holiday 

This year the Ekka show holiday will be on Friday 14th August. The centre will be closed this day and if it is one of your child's booked days you will still pay for this day as normal even though it is a public holiday.