Hello and welcome to the May newsletter. As the cooler weather approaches please dress your children in layers, that way we can remove and add clothing as the temperature changes. Also a big thank you to all families for keeping their children home when they are sick. We have noticed because of this, other children and educators are not getting sick near as much at this time of year keep up the great work parents as it is helping to keep us all well. 

Due to COVID-19 we were unable to hold our annual Mother's pamper day. Instead, we offered a  Mother's Day Stall, it was a huge success with the children picking just the right gift for mum and grandmothers alike, I think we may continue doing the stall each year.   

I think all families and the children will agree the new improvements are a big hit, from the playground to the rooms. We feel the security at the front entrance has improved greatly and the appearance of our rooms is looking fresh as they all get a new paint job. If you have not accessed the new pin code at the front entrance all you need to remember is the pin code that you use to sign your child into the centre as it is the same. I have attached some photos of the children in the afternoon running around playing with the parachute. 

 Hello May!!

We wished all our wonderful Mums a Happy Mother's Day and hope you enjoyed the gifts your little ones chose for you at our others Day Stall.

Our room and Yard are on near completion, we are loving our new outdoor space, exploring in the sandpit, hiding in the tent and just relaxing on the green grass. Thank you all for your patience, we have tried to keep the disruption to a minimal and believe we have.

As the babies are becoming older, they are expressing their needs more by vocalizing and giving cues.

This can be seen as louder calling out, crying often, high pitch squealing.

Language development is critical part of your child's overall development.

Supporting your child's ability to communicate and express & understand feelings. It also supports thinking and problem solving. Learning to understand, use and enjoy language is a critical first step and the basis for learning to read and write.

Responding to baby language, in these months, your baby will be responding to you in many ways.

Some bonding, fun and learning through play

*make sounds, look excited or go quiet when you talk with him and say his name

*coo and laugh – for example, while your changing their nappy

*enjoy games of peek-a-boo and other action games

*use gestures like waving or pointing

We are always talking in our room, and have noticed more over the week's children mimicking sounds and following directions.

Sitting for Stories, and singing along to repetitive songs.

This week we will be reading Cock A Moo Moo and sounds of farm animals.

Next week our older babies move up to Toddlers, they are confidently ready to go and are welcome to come into the nursery in the afternoons and for sneaky biscuits. Megha and Allison will be sad to see them venture off.

Until next Time Miss Ally & Miss Megha 

Toddler News!

The toddler room is still a very busy hub of learning, exploring, playing and lots of laughter. Our room is looking amazing with all the new renovations and furniture we have currently received. We are working on creating an enriching learning environment, that allows the toddlers the room they need to discover comfortably and safely. We have a beautiful soft area for those moments of quiet time, a busy construction area with plenty of room for block towers to fall, a separate eating area tucked away at the back and a new wonderful large group mat with individual cushions to allow each toddler to have their space while engaging in our group experiences. Over the past week the toddlers have seemed to show their approval of the new set up by happily connecting with each other and adapting to the changes throughout our daily routine. We will be putting labels on our draws which holds our cutlery, bowls etc so the toddlers will still be encouraged to use their self help skills to set the tables at meal time and help themselves to cups of water throughout the day. Each toddler loves the opportunity to help and have a sense of belonging.

As the weather begins to cool please ensure your child has suitable clothing. Jumpers, long sleeve clothes, socks and shoes. The water features won't be used as often over the cooler months, but we are still learning to drink confidently from cups so water spills can still happen. We will take your child's jumpers off as it warms throughout the day and place them in your child's bag. Labelling ALL your child's belongings will assist in items not being lost. Having shoes on during outside play is important during the cooler months. Please send your child in shoes daily.

More children are transitioning in the coming days. We wish our little friends moving up all the best into the next room. Watching them all grow in the toddler room has been amazing, they have been showing us they are very ready for this next move. Mimi and I will miss you but are always still available for cuddles. To our new nursery friend's, I will be sending home some information for you all to read about the toddler room over the next few days. All transition days by both toddlers to Junior Kindy and the nursery children to the toddler room have all been very promising, with all children having wonderful days exploring their new environments and friends.

If ever there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to talk to either myself or Mimi.

Miss Sheree and Miss Mimi

 Junior Kindy newsletter

We hope all our lovely mothers enjoyed their mothers day. We know the children were looking forwards to giving you all your gifts they had picked.

Coming into cooler weather,I would like to ask if you could bring your child in layers. It does heat up during the day and they need to be able to either take layers off or change into something cooler.

We also ask if you could pack a jumper in the bag, due to afternoons can get a bit chilly and they need to rug back up again.

If you haven't brought in a spare tooth brush for a while, please drop one on top of the lockers with your child's name on it.

You may have noticed the small change to the room layout. We have been lucky enough to receive some new furniture. Which we are teaching the proper way to resect our room and how to clean up after themselves too. We hope your enjoying the change too, with a more natural simple look we are trying to a archive a calm room.

There is no longer parent pockets on the wall, all notices or things to be sent home will be placed in your child's bag or locker.

We look forward to a lovely month of learning!

Thanks from Miss Chloe.

 Some exciting news this month we are having more children move up from the Junior Kindy room. So this means we will be able to spend more time in our room and bond we our peers and teachers. We will able to start more projects and craft experiences. Miss Tracey will be joining us as well to be the second Educator in the room. This will work well for the children moving up to move with their Educator that they already have a bond with. Will make the transition smooth and easy.

Please start bringing in warmer clothes for your children as it is becoming quite cold in the mornings and later afternoons. I have notices some children are coming with No hats so please don't forget this as we still need to wear them even though it is cooler.

We would love to hear about your weekends and if you have exciting things happening in your child's life so we can talk about it and even plan activities around it.

Thanks, Miss Skye

Hope you are all feeling well and coping with coronia virus restrictions.

We have been busy over the last month getting ready for school as we progress though the jolly phonics letters and sounds. As of this week we will be learning the song for the letter g. At the same time we revisit the letters completed. The children are becoming familiar with the program and this should give them a sound foundation. We continue to use music and song to learn how to count, the days of the week, time on the hour and shapes.We use dramatization to develop concepts of addition and subtraction using songs such as "Ten in a bed" "Five Speckled Frogs"

 Over the last few weeks we have been travelling around the world with Paca Alpaca visiting different countries, going on virtual excursions, sharing their culture and the special animals they have in that country.So far we have been to China, Africa and New Zealand.

The children participate in program by exercising their child agency through making decisions about their learning, being independent, learning social skills and caring for themselves and others. At times, the children will request a book or song that is special to them. They may request we learn about a specific animal. They may want to care for our plants or wish to play outdoors.

Following the children's lead, we have covered a number of different concepts such as gravity, the water cycle and exploration with shadows, magnets and looking for evidence of bugs on our plants.

I have stopped putting the children on beds in the middle of the day as preparation for school. If you still would like your child to sleep, please let me know.