By Leanne Beecher on Wednesday, 09 May 2018
Category: Underwood Early Learning

May Newsletter

Welcome to all of our wonderful families, and our new families. I hope this cold weather is seeing you all well? We have had a very busy month here at Underwood and May is going to be no different with lots on the agenda. First off I want to say Happy Mother's Day  to all the great mums out there, Im sure you all got spoilt by your loved ones. We certainly enjoyed our waffle morning, and don't worry Dads you are not forgotten we will have another waffle morning for fathers day in September. 

With the phasing out of plastic bags this year, we are looking at purchasing a product called "Wet Dry bags" they are waterproof zipper bags. they are around 31cm X 28cm and would cost around $5-$10 for larger bags. I will be putting together an order form for families if they would like to purchase one or more for your child's wet clothes at care, they can also be used for swimming classes. let me know if you would be interested in getting any. I will be purchasing a sample of the bags in different colours and sizes so parents can look at what they may want to get. keep an eye out for these in the foyer 

Photo Day 

Photo day this year  will be on Wednesday 6th June. Andrew will be at the centre from 7am, he will start photographing children as soon as they arrive in the morning. Individual class photos will be held at set times Nursery ( Miss Allison & Faysha) 9 am Toddlers ( Miss Chloe and Kanako) 9.30 am Junior Kindy ( Miss Melissa & Kelly) 10 am  Pre Kindy ( Miss Sheree) 10.30 am and Kindergarten ( Miss Andrea & Tracey) 11 am. If Wednesday is not your child's booked day you are still encouraged to come to the centre for individual and group photos. I have put posters in each room advertising group photo times and the cost of the photos. The payment envelopes will be placed in your child's parent pocket and payment is due back before photo day, as the photographer or my self do not have change to give you on the day. the best way to pay for photos is on line, it is secure and they  have a money back policy if your not happy with it for any reason. 

When your child is sick!

As the weather gets colder it is important to dress your child in layers. Also if your child is unwell please keep them home, other wise everyone else gets sick and it can become a never ending cycle. follow the chart as to when its safe to attend care  

Kindergarten Under 8's Week 

The kindergarten children will be having an excursion to Eight Mile Plains State School on Wednesday 23rd May for under 8's day. permission slips will be in the parent pockets, If your child does not attend care on a Wednesday you are more than welcome to come along, you will have to say with your child for the entire event. the class will be walking to the school and they need to leave at 8.30am sharp for a 8.45 am start. you will need to provide closed in shoes, hat, water bottle and morning tea for your child.     

Date Night 

We are looking at holding another date night on  Friday night 1st June, starting at 6.30 pm and running til 9.30 pm cost will be $30 for 1 child, $50 for 2 children and $60 for 3 children. let Leanne know if your interested in attending. 

News from the Toddlers 

Over the past month the toddlers have been interested in animals, now that interest has moved on to music and musical instruments.

We have now set up a new area in the room with all our instruments, the children have been learning new ways to play them every day. I would like to ask if any parents know how to play an instrument and would be interested in playing for our class. You could be the next toddler room Rockstar! You don't have to be very good either, we don't know the difference and they would starstruck.

We would like to thank you for coming to our mother days morning tea and hope you had lovely time with us. And a big happy Mother's Day to all our mothers in our class.

During this month we will move onto learning more of our numbers. At group times we have already started counting to ten and continue to do so every day.

Now we have finger puppets for songs like Mr. Jason, we can use them to help making counting fun. Songs will be five cheeky monkeys, five sizzling sausages and ten little Indian boys and girls.

Please remember to check your parent pockets we will send home a note to who needs a spare tooth brush again.

Thank you for Miss Chloe and Miss Kanako