By Leanne Beecher on Wednesday, 03 October 2018
Category: Underwood Early Learning

October Newsletter

Hello and welcome to all of our families. We have had a few change over the last month with Miss Mel going on her maternity leave early due to health reasons. The Toddlers and Junior Kindy rooms have joined together to make the Tweenies  room, they use the Junior kindy room for all of the noisy and  boisterous activities each day and the Toddlers room is a more calm room for sleeping, reading and just relaxing. with 3 teachers in the room, most days the children will be able to choose to go between either room and the outside environment. We are keen to hear your feed back on how this is working for you so let us know. Miss Chloe will be the Lead Educator with Miss Kanako assisting her, Miss Kelly has resigned as of the 3/10/18 . We have decided to get Miss Tracey to be the 3rd educator in the room as this will provide consistency with the children.  

Our gardens are growing every well and I hope you have noticed we are adding more plants to the outside play area, if you have any large pots or plants that are not  poisonous that you no longer want we would be happy to take over the care of them for you. I believe the children learn valuable life skills from gardening,  it  helps  little ones develop new skills and expand their knowledge about the science of growing. It teaches Responsibility, Creativity, Discovery and Health and fitness to name a few things 

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Book Club 

 Book Club is out this week in your child's parent pocket please take a look at it, they have some cheap books that make great Christmas gifts, The best part the centre reps the rewards with free books. orders are due back on the 26/10/18

Christmas photos 

Christmas photos will be taken on Friday the 2 nd November. If you would like photos of or child/children please hand the payment envelop back in at the office. If your child is not booked into care on that day and you would like photos taken you will need to talk to Leanne and book a time on our booking sheet. times start from 7.30 am till 10 am