By Leanne Beecher on Tuesday, 04 April 2017
Category: Underwood Early Learning

Underwood Early Learning - March 2017

Welcome to our new families that are just joining us at Underwood ELC. We look forward to educating your children. The centre is going through a transformation with the painting inside and outside being done and the new signs going up last week, the gardens are next. We are all very happy with the new look as I'm sure you will be as well.

The weather is starting to turn cool in the mornings, please dress your child in layers.

We welcome feedback from our families. If you feel there is something you would like your child to achieve, tell the cook or any ideas or issues we would love you to write this down or email us here at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and let us know.

Book Club orders are due back on Monday the 20th March. Book Club is an excellent way to purchase cheap books for you and your family, and the centre will receive dollars to spend on more books for the's easy to order just go on line or phone your order in to scholastic, or if that's not for you, you can place your order in the office mail box before the due day with the money and I will order it for you simple as that.

School holiday start on the 3rd April, school starts back on 18th April. Please be aware that children receiving the Kindergarten funding, that funding will cease during the holiday period, and will resume again on April 18.

Nursery News

Big Hello from the Nursery

We first would like to welcome Alexander and Mere to the Nursery which we are loving having new friends to interact with and get to know.

Just a couple of notes if you haven't yet brought in a scrapbook could you please bring one in so we can fill it with all your child's artwork and amazing photos of their development.Just one more can we all label our belonging so we know who's is who and help to avoid things being miss placed.

We are working on our sensory skills at the moment so if you have anything to contribute please free any materials etc

Thanks Miss Skye and Miss Mimi

Toddler News

What an awesome start to the year! Everybody has settled into our toddler room and routine. The toddlers are growing and learning at such a fast place it's hard to keep up sometimes. We are focusing on self-help skills at the moment, as this is important for any child's development. We encourage the toddlers to select their own food off platters using tongs, wash their own hands, use their spoons to eat their meals, take our own shoes off and put them away and get our own sheets out of our bags at rest time as well as helping make our beds.

We also have a few children beginning to toilet train at the moment. If you would like to start this process as you have begun at home, please feel free to come and talk to either myself or Miss Kirston. If you are wanting to start please be aware it is difficult to start at Kindy if you're not following on with it at home.

Please bring at least 5 pairs of underwear, 5 pairs of pants and a couple of extra shirts for any accidents that may take place. Please ensure it is all labelled.

Can parents please bring in a scrap book so we can put your children's artwork in it. Please ensure your child also has a suitable sun safe hat, shoes that fit your child's feet and suitable clothes for outdoor play. Please no singlets.

Over the next month, we are looking at animals. We will be starting with farm animals. If you have anything you would like to contribute to this experience, please feel free to bring it in or discuss with either myself or Miss Kirston.

Junior Kindy News

We are off to a great start this year in the junior kindy room. The children are settled and following the routine well. We are building the children's identity, as they feel safe to come in, allowing all children to be welcomed as an individual. When children are settled in the room, they are willing to be involved in the activities, more calm to talk to us, building on their communication skills and confidence. With this they learn without even realising, talking about the colours and letters in activities, how and why toys work the way they do, we have constant discussions with children, allowing them to connect with us.

We would greatly appreciate any parent input you can give us, this can be written down in the parent communication book for which is positioned on the lockers or even email any time throughout the day, which then gives you the chance to attach a photograph of an occasion. Examples of parent input- something your child participate in on the weekend, weather going out for an occasion or even something simple at home as in water play, learning colours or even reading their favourite books, this helps us add your child's interest in to our weekly program.

As winter is approaching, children will be wearing jackets and jumpers, please ensure these have their names on them as they do come off throughout the day, and please have spare ones in their bags for if one is needed.

This month we ask you to please bring along your child's favourite book for them to share with the class.

Till next time Jessie, Chloe & Fleur

Kindy News 

Miss Allison and Miss Mel would firstly to welcome all families to our room and to out centre.

The last few weeks we have celebrated many 3rd Birthdays and enjoyed sharing your child's celebrated cake's, photos taken will be put into your child's Learning Journals.

The children have enjoyed Dinosaur inquiry centre, where we not only learnt how to pronounce long Dinosaurs names, we looked a maths big, and small sizes, and length. Read books and viewed posters, overall the "long necked like a giraffe" Said Thomas F, Brontosaurus was the favourite.

We have asked for your family photo to add to our family wall, during the day the photos are often used as discussion starters, between your child and their friends. To keep it easy, please just Email your snap to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Taking from these conversations with our group and extending on the family unit, a large family, baby centre will be set up in our dramatic play space. We will be looking at family dynamic's oldest, middle, youngest, some of us are becoming the older sibling for the first time and showed great interest in caring for babies. We have asked for any 'baby bottles, clothes, bibs to enhance our area.

Miss Allison and Miss Mel are always available to discuss your child's learning.

Preschool News 

We are settling into our routines. We are still looking at fairy tales. At the moment, we are looking at Cinderella then we will move onto the Gingerbread man.

The letter this week is I and (13/3) and the number is 3.the week beginning 20/3 the letter is P and the number is 4. The final letter in set 1 is the letter N.

Homework will correspond with the letters that we are looking at. New homework will be available every Monday.

Show and tell relates to the letter of the week please check your show and tell day. The children are enjoying telling their friends about the item they have brought in.

We are hoping to hold another information night on homework and jolly Phonics. Can you please let me know if you would like to attend? The date is Thursday the 30th of March at 5pm. We hope you can attend.

Miss Andrea & Miss Brooke