By on Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Weekly Family News

Centre Birthday Celebrations on 29th June-

Physikds 9am-10am

Yoga 10-11am

Jumping Castle

Activities and Giveaways

Lions coming in at 3.30pm-5 to cook BBQ

Please support the Lions Club, bring change to purchase from the BBQ

All monies raised will be going to the Lions Club to help promote youth, medical research, aid to people with disability, community service & disaster relief.

WE also are having Glen the Magician from 3.45-4.30pm!! 


Naidoc Week 8-15th July

Crossing Cultures Workshop 9th July

From 6.15pm All Welcome

Grandparents Afternoon Tea 20th July

3.30pm-5pm Ocean Life will be here for all to share

Sprouts with Carol and Faiqa

 Over the past two months, we have warmly welcomed Roy into our room. And also welcomed our pip Cooper who moved from the baby room to Sprouts 1.The past months have been extremely productive and a great experience for the children. Through the past months, the children engaged in various activities that helped them get a better understanding on different things. Some areas which were explored include- names of farm animals, names of zoo animals, names of sea animals etc. We tried our best to organise different activities on these areas to help the children learn.

When the children were learning about the names of animals, there was a vast variety of interactive resources to help them learn. Some activities that thoroughly engaged the children were animal collages, animals stamping, animal flashcards and puzzles. When the children were introduced to the topic of animals, many of them were eager to sing to songs, read books, do collages and puzzles all associated with farm, zoo and sea animals.

Some daily activities included playdough, art & craft and role play. Everyone was very active and eager to do the activities set outdoors which involved the obstacle course. Role play was a favourite among the children as everyone enjoyed dressing up and pretending to be doctors, shopping assistants, mums and much more. They also pretended to feed babies, push babies around in prams, wash clothes, cook and much more.

We will be focusing on many more activities and topics to help the children learn. More activities that the children like more will be organized for the future. The children will hopefully continue to learn and grow in a safe and positive environment. Many thanks to all the parents of the children.

We will like to kindly request that all parents label their child's belongings.

Faiqa and Carol

  Buds with Amanda and Ivy

Indoor activities can be as fun as outdoor activities.look at this cheerful group in Buds One. Ashish, Owen, Saffron and Daniel were actively participated in the basketball game. In this game, they learnt turn taking, sharing happiness together with peer,and celebrating one another's success. 

Making small change of the room settings from time to time can create an inviting environment for the children. Daniel, William, Harry and Olivia loved  the road and crossing. They linked their everyday experience with the play and demonstrated their imagination and creativity in this open-ended activity.

Happy and confident, this is what you can see in Jabir's photo.This photo was taken on his second day in Buds One, he is doing really well in getting familiar with us. We found that his interests are constructions and vehicles. So we are doing a wide range of activities based on his interests to help settling.