By on Friday, 14 July 2017

Winter Edition July Newsletter 2017

Pips with Belinda and Manpreet

We have had some of our little pips turned ONE over the last few weeks.


We also have some who are turning ONE later in July, CARTER, CALEB, some please bring a cake for all to share as we all love having cake everywhere, even in our hair and up our noses, but they all love eating cake.

We would also like to welcome some new children in our room, CALEB, AMANDA, VIJA, and LUCAS, they are all setting very well and are looking forward to being with new freinds and doing lots of different activites.

Some of our older children have moved up into the toddlers room, OLIVIA, EASON and JACOB, they have all settled to there new room and new freinds, they do come back and see all of the pips from time to time.

We have some new sensory mats, that Manpreet and my self had made, the children love laying and playing on them. We are also looking for some home made things such as weaved baskets with handles. If you have these sort at home and your happy to bring them in, we would love that support!!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to speak with Manpreet or my self.

Until next time stay safe and take care

Belinda and Manpreet.

  Sprouts 1 with Faiqa, Carol and Karman

A huge warm welcome to all our dear families and to another month!

The past three months have flown by and we had been productive as the children continued to grow and learn about many things. A few special days were celebrated like Mother's Day and National Sorry Week.

In the past months, children have engaged in animal collage, where many successfully identified names of animals. Many also played with miniature farm animals and had fun as they sang songs like – "Baa Baa Black Sheep".

Children also did home corner role play where they impersonated activities they probably have observed at home. Children also learnt about shapes as they sorted them into their correct places using the shape sorter. There were also multiple activities designed for the children outside such as play dough, collages, crafts and painting.

These past few months, the children were all well-presented. They all openly tried different activities set out and learned many things including names of shapes, animals and colours. All the children were active and kind to their peers. Also, they all worked together showing great teamwork and interacted well during group time.

In these pasts few months, the children have listened to many educational songs and danced along for fun. Books were also read to the children and they showed great concentration when listening. Enthusiasm was also shown when children were keen on activities.

Just a friendly reminder, please label your childs belongings. Some parents have also already given me sunscreen for their child, if you haven't please provide soon.

Thank you very much.

Faiqa, Karman & Carol

  Sprout 2 with Bhupinder and  Chamini

Hello and welcome again. The Sprout 2 children have been actively involved in the program, stimulating their senses, extending interests, social skills, confidently engaging in many cognitive activities and exploring their environment. They are all growing up far too quickly and are well on their way to develop all the necessary skills for their transition to the next room.

Firstly, I would like to welcome all the new children including Aarav, Hemaansh, Zoe, Benjamin and Elsie to my room. All the children are very well settled in the room. I would like to say a big thank you to all the parents who have contributed to the program this term by taking the time to complete the parent input sheets and all about me forms. This has been fantastic and crucial in creating a holistic learning environment to facilitate your child's individual needs.

The children in Sprout 2 room are learning self-help skills. Some children are learning to make their bed by themselves and also toilet training. The children are doing very well in repeating simple words including "hi", "bye" and are able to explain their needs to the educator and other peers. Some children are talking in full sentences. Sprout2 children are developing very well in the gross motor skills. Most of the children are learning to climb on the upstairs fort. We have been working on colour and shape recognition, mixing two colours and animal name recognition. We encourage healthy eating for our toddlers and teaching them about hygiene by washing their hands properly and brushing teeth every day.

We celebrated all events joyfully. So, on 25th April, 2017 we celebrated Anzac Day in our centre. We made Anzac Day hats and all the children did parade with their peers on that day. On 12th May 2017, we celebrated Mother's Day afternoon tea. Ekam, Paige and Aarav's mothers came to the centre and they had afternoon tea with their children. On 26th May, 2017 we celebrated National Sorry Day. All the children made Aboriginal Flag collage and learnt about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and heritage. On 14/6/17 we celebrated Pyjama Day where all the children snuggled in their pyjamas and we took lots of photos with the upstairs staff members. So, the coming event is Naidoc Week which is from 3rd to 7th July 2017 and our Sprout 2 children are busy doing preparation.

As parents can see, we are preparing a visual dairy every day. We would like to remind all the parents to provide sunscreens and drink bottles to their children. If you have any suggestions, we would like to welcome to bring along your ideas.

Until next time

Bhupinder and Chamini

  Sprout 3 with Julia, Sera and Karman

This month we have welcomed Olivia, Jacob and Eason into our room from Nursery.

They are confident and have settled in our room with ease. We look forward to getting to know you in this learning journey. As the month moves on we can start to observe what each child needs in regards to their growth and development. We will do lots of experiences to enhance children's gross and fine motor skills, develop their creativity through art and encourage verbal and non-verbal communication. We also would like to say good bye to our beautiful friends Zoe, Benjamin, Elsie, Elliot, Tayler and Pavraj as they are moving into new room, we wish good luck to them.

In sprout 3 room over the past few weeks, we have been learning and focusing on colour recognition. We are using a variety of resources such as books and pictures.

Also, Art has been an interest among the children, we have extended on this by using different brushes, marbles and finger painting to explore children's interest. Singing and dancing are always popular in our room, we all have been interested in a song "Five monkeys jumping on the bed". We sing this song a couple of times a day using finger puppets. We would also love to continue the sensory development. Playdough has been very popular with children using fine motor skill to manipulate the dough and strengthen their hand muscles.

We will again create a display of the children's work and take lots of pictures for you. We have a communication book in the room near the daily sheets. Please feel free to provide any questions or comments about your child.

Thank you for your continued support.

Julia, Sera and Karman

Buds 1 with Amanda and Ivy

Parents input and parents' involvement have played a very important role in the last couple of weeks. Thank you for providing the information about your child's weekend story. I have been using these useful inputs to plan many relevant room activities for the children.

Charlotte's beach play - sand panting, sand creation with different materials, group soapy water play.

Daniel's Yum Cha experience - talking about traditional Chinese food, using play dough to make dumplings and dim sim.

Heidi's pelican feeding and picnic - talking about pelican and 6 types of different animals at group time.

James - Thomas the tank workshop - group constructions, talking about trains and its history at group time.

In the following months, we will continue to use other children's weekend story in the program, so that their weekend experience can be shared with the group.

Also, I would like to say thank you to Vera's father -Kurt and Daniel's mother - Jessica, for participating in the group time.Kurt played guitar and ukulele for the children one day and sang many nursery songs with them. Later on, the kids played guitar and ukulele. They were very excited. Jessica read one of Daniel's favourite book to the children, talking about different food and sang a few songs with the group. They all had great time!

Imaginative play is also this month's focus. We had an ice cream shop, bakery store, teddy bear picnic, etc. Imaginative play is important in this age group. They are role playing and are acting out various experiences they may have had or something that is of some interest to them. They are experimenting with decision making on how to behave and are also practising their social skills.

Amanda &  Ivy

  Buds 2 with Anila and Denise

As we approach the middle of the 2017 our children have smoothly transited into the daily life of Buds 2 family. Our room has a few new faces this year. We welcome Lucas, Nishka, Ravi, Joshua, Haneet and Param and their families into our Buds 2 community.

As the children moved from toddler stage to junior kindy our main focuses for the start of this year are, learning new skills and be familiar with our routine. Following directions from the teachers, sharing and turn taking, using kind words and being aware of the safety to themselves and to others while having fun in their environment were the five main rules we followed and guided them through.

The children have been very busy exploring themselves and learning a variety of new skills through their play. During our group time in the morning children get the opportunity to listen to stories and interact with teachers. We also take this time to learn about colours, numbers, letters and sounds and expand their language skills. We also have started learning a new dancing routine in the morning. We used the Hooley Dooley's dancing steps to practice our body movements and children just love it.

We also have been learning about aboriginal culture and we started our journey by reading a book called "Napngardi's bush tucker walk". Through the story the children learnt about the bush animals, bush vegetables and fruits and simply the way of life in their land. The children created beautiful art work, collage and made foot prints around the map of Australia. We will continue our journey through to NAIDOC week which follows next month.

We have started our toilet training schedule and some children are doing really well. If you think that your child is ready please let us know so we can give you necessary information. Learning self help skills is a big part of this age group so they become independent before they move to their next stage which is Kindy.

Please keep some spare clothes in their bags as we find wet clothes occasionally because of the cold weather. If you have any medications even cream for dry skin, please make sure that they are labelled from the chemist. If you have any message to pass on to us if we are not in the room please do write in the communication book and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation and leaving your beautiful children with us in our care.

Until next time, Anila and Denise.

  Blossoms 1 with Rina and Joyce

In Blossoms 1 we are learning to use our manners by saying Hello and Goodbye, Please and Thank you.

We are also learning to share and take turns. We love to learn new songs every day at group time. Our favourite song at the moment is "Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree", "Hokey pokey" and "Make a circle".

We are really enjoying our artwork as you can see from many colourful displays around the room. We also have many photo displays which tell the story of our time in Blossoms 1 room. Children have also shown a lot of interest in Music and Musical Instrument To enhance children's interest in music we made our own musical instrument from recyclable materials which teaches children about sustainability.

Please provide myself and Joyce with any information about your child's activities outside kindy if possible. This will help us get to know them more. Last but not least thanks for your trust in us to teach your child. Please always feel free to talk to us about any concern you have about your child.

Thanks Heaps Rina and Joyce.

  Blossoms 2 with Rashmi and  Khyati

How quickly time has flown by. We would like to welcome new children who have recently joined us and they have been settling in really well.

I(Khyati) will be going overseas for couple of years to gain overseas experience. In my absence Miss Shikha will be in the room till Miss Rashmi returns in August. In the past few months we have been focusing on shapes and colours recognition.We also working on the pre-writing skills and fine motor strength. Next month we will be focusing on scissors holding skills and name recognition. Social skills are needed for co-operative play and self-help concepts are always the constant focus of this age group.

As we are now in winter months please send warm clothes and beddings for child's comfort. Also, please label all their belonging as there are other children with same belongings. Please feel free to give your input and suggestions regarding your child's learning development and talk to the staff if there's any concerns or if there's any room for improvement.

Lastly, I would like to say thank you to all of you for the support and trust you have shown on me to take care of your children. I will surely miss all the children but I'm taking away good memories with me. All the best and hope to see you in future.


Khyati and Rashmi

Poppies- Kindergarten with Aman, Jas and Eve

We would like to start by welcoming all our new families to our room and we hope you enjoy your time with us.

There has been a flurry of activities these past few months- human body, five senses, name writing, emergency services, weather and seasons etc. The children's interest in literacy and numeracy has flourished. Identifying letters and numbers in their environment has started to become automatic, which is an indicator of their growing visual and print awareness. They are also at a stage where they communicate through writing and drawing. This is always interesting as they convey a variety of experiences, feeling and their own personalities. We have also been making consistent progress on name recognition. A big thanks to all those parents who are helping us in this, doing homework with their children and sending it back. Thank you for encouraging your child and appreciating their early attempts in reading and writing.

If you have any questions, suggestions or input into our program, we are more than happy to discuss with you.

Aman, Jas and Dolly